Thursday, December 18, 2014

Week 8- Literary Review

When writing my 2 pages this week, I can see how all of these steps prepared me for this weeks assignment.  After doing the annotated bibliography last week, I knew which article gave me which portion of my research, based on my outline, which we also went through this week.  I was able to piece the paper together pretty easily since I already had the references set up per the annotated bibliography.  Placing the outline was a little different for me.  I usually place the pieces together in a different way, not as organized, but I still hope to be as coherent as if I had an outline.  I have learned certain things in this class that I definitely will be applying to future assignments.  I'm also glad to have accomplished this class at the beginning of my time at Brandman.  I think everyone should so they can apply what you learn from this and the Analytical Thinking course.  They taught me a lot to have a successful career as a student.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Annotated Bibliography

Upon finding the sources I needed for the Annotated Bibliography, it was a little more challenging.  I had to go back to the previous sites and refresh my memory of them.  Plus the new sites I looked at.  Most of the information out there on Laissez-Faire leadership is basically repeating each other.  As a matter of fact, most the information on all the different types of leadership styles, mirror each other.  It doesn't give me much room to elaborate.  I can compare and contrast a bit.  And ultimately, I've learned which leadership style I want to stay away from.  Laissez-faire leadership really seems to hurt the organizations more than anything.  You can have successful laissez-faire leadership in very small companies, with very motivated employees that already each know what their roles are.
With the annotated bibliography, I moved out of our Leatherby Libraries and extended out into Google Scholar.  I found some interesting and different articles that I am able to use.  This will help me for the entire research project as a whole.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Academic Integrity

After this weeks assignment, I can see how people can accidentally plagiarize.  I have definitely done that before.  Properly siting their sources will definitely help that, and when in doubt, I have learned, site the source.
Another form of plagiarism, and also academic integrity, as well as copy right, is when you buy papers online.  You are knowingly trying to pass another person's work off as your own.  Sometimes people think that because they buy them, it's theirs, but it is still not your work.  It's a really horrible way to hurt your career as a student, so I hope people think about what they are doing and try to make the right decisions.
Copy right is something I never really thought of while working on my classes.  I never realized that when I build a project and I may copy something off of the internet, without the company's permission it's copy right infringement.  As well as watching a movie in class for the purpose of learning, is copyright if again, without the company's permission.
I will definitely be double checking my work in the future to make sure I am not making any of these mistakes, because I care about academic integrity, as well as my career as a student.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week 5, Empirical Research Article

As I stated last week, I changed my subject, since there really aren't peer reviewed articles on NFL Cheerleaders pay.  I wanted to research Laissez-Faire leadership so I can get a better understanding of what it is and how it impacts an organization.

First and foremost, Laissez-faire leadership is a "non-authoritatiran leadership style" where leaders "try to give the least possible guidance to subordinates." (Skogstag, Aasland, Hetland, Matthiesen & Einarsen, 2014) So basically, they are very hands off, and even ostracizing to their people.

What I also found from this is that production seems to go down and behaviors are relatively negative.  I do know that this is the kind of leader I do NOT want to be.  Of course, I don't feel it is possible for me to be hands off or not talk to my people and see how they are doing, what their needs are or check on how productivity is going.  I'm a very hands on leader, hopefully not crossing the line into micro-managing.  I hope to gain some insights as I conduct more research on ways that I can be an even better leader, and definitely what to avoid doing.


Laissez-Faire Leadership. (n.d). In Business Dictionary online.  Retrieved from

Skogstag, A., Aasland, M.S., Hetland, J., Matthiesen, S. B., and Einarsen, S. (2014). The relative effects of constructive, laissez-faire, and tyrannical leadership on subordinate job satisfaction: Results from two prospective and representative studies. Zeitschrift fur Psychologie, 222(4), 221-232. Retrieved November 26, 2014, from

Friday, November 21, 2014

Week 4 is amazing

This week, I have learned so many different ways to research.  I thought that I knew how to do advanced searches, but I now see I knew nothing.
First off, I had to change my topic from the NFL cheerleaders, since there are no books on and no peer reviewed journals on, to laissez-faire leadership style and how it impacts an organization.  Choosing this, of course, because I'm working towards an Organizational Leadership degree.  
I started on our "Finding Articles" step by step, page by page.  As I'm clicking the spots on the search engine, my mouth is dropping because I didn't realize all of these different options.  While I didn't necessarily learn more about my subject, I did find many different articles and peer reviewed journals that can help me more and more with this subject and answering the question I chose, if it is accepted.  I did also find the article that I will be using for this weeks assignment.